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The Ultimate Bed Mattress Collection for Better Sleep

It’s a proven fact that getting a good night’s sleep improves your overall well-being. First and foremost, having the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep will boost your immunity, lessening your sick days. High-quality sleep also improves your mental function and mood.

During sleep, your body heals and recharges. When you are undercharged, just like a mobile phone, you can’t perform your best during the day. However, sleep deprivation and insomnia seem to get worse by the day with the incessant use of gadgets at night.

Tired of tossing and turning at night on your bed mattress? Getting a decent shut-eye is not entirely elusive. Here are a few tips to help you sleep better at night.

Stop using your phone 30 minutes before bedtime, and make sure to put it on “Do Not Disturb” mode. This increases the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle.

Aside from improving your night-time habits, get high-quality sleep by getting the right mattress. Knowing what’s right for you is all based on your preference—whether you want it firm, soft, or something in between.

Finding what you’re looking for won’t be a problem when you shop at ShopSM; offering the best bed mattresses for sale from quality brands like Uratex and SM Home.

What are you waiting for? Shop now to start sleeping better at night!